Creating a website using Hugo is a straightforward process that can be broken down into a few simple steps. Why hugo?


  • No server side code
  • Fast to render
  • Often more secure
  • Content is versioned


  • No dynamic contents
  • No database
  • No real time UI etc

Let us try out now;

  1. Install Hugo: Before you can start creating your website, you’ll need to install Hugo on your computer. You can download the latest version of Hugo from the Hugo website ( If you wish to use rich contents in your website, make sure to download the hugo extended.

  2. Create a new site: Once you have Hugo installed, you can create a new site by running the following command in your terminal:

    hugo new site mysite (replace “mysite” with the name of your site)

  3. Choose a theme: Hugo has a wide variety of themes that you can choose from, you can either find a theme from the official theme library ( or you can create your own theme. Once you’ve chosen a theme, add it to your site by copying the theme files into the “themes” directory of your site. We will create our website using hugo-coder. Follow the steps;

  • Initialize the git using git init.

  • Run the following command to download the hugo-coder theme in the theme directory using submodule command;

    git submodule add themes/hugo-coder

  1. Now let us copy the exampleSite, (which is inside the theme) to the main website folder using the following command;

cp themes/hugo-coder/exampleSite/* -rf ~/Documents/myGitHub/ThinkingAI/

  1. Create content: Once you have a theme set up, you can start creating content for your site. You can create new content by running the following command in your terminal: hugo new post/ (replace “my-first-post” with the name of your post)

    Note: If you want to deploy the website in the Github page, delete the draft or make it false.

    See the figure below;

    alt text

  2. Set baseURL = “" in the config.toml

  3. Build your site: Once you have created your content, you can build your site by running the following command in your terminal: hugo

  4. Serve your site (local testing): After building your site, you can serve it locally by running the following command in your terminal: hugo server -D or hugo server

  5. Deploy your site: Now create a folder name - .github in your website folder, navigate into it and create workflows folder.

    Create a gh-pages.yml page and paste the following code; Structure: .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml

    You can find the gh-pages code from the following link;

  6. Now go to your Github page and create a new repository; e.g. blog (make it public)

    In the main page of your Github, go to the Settings/Developer settings and generate Personal access tokens. This is important when push the website into your repository. Under the select scopes, tick repo, workflow, write:packages, admin:org, admin:repo_hook, delete_repo

    Simillary; go the Settings of the repository and go to Actions > General.. and then under the Workflow permissions, choose Read and Write Permissions

  7. Finally run the following commands;

Check git status. If there files to be commited add it.

Finally go to Setting > Pages and then go to Branch and select gh-pages

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These are the basic steps for creating a website using Hugo. Depending on your specific needs and the theme you choose, there may be additional steps or customization options available.